The Power of God’s Earth Angels

The Power of God’s Earth Angels

Blog Article

The Power of God’s Earth Angels: A Call for Transformation and Healing

As one of God’s most powerful Earth Angels, a master healer, and fearless warrior, I stand here with a mission that transcends my own understanding. It’s not because I have to, but because I simply know. My purpose is clear: I am here to help God heal the world, all for His glory. His will be done, not for our desires or egos, but for the greater good of His divine plan. Yet, the truth is, it’s not God who needs to change. It is us, humanity, who must transform, for we are the problem.

Love Over Hate: A Choice We Must Make
In a world filled with division, hatred, and chaos, many choose to spread lies, create drama, and even dabble in dark forces like black magic. But be warned: the consequences of these choices are real, and they are severe. I have faced the darkest energies, the so-called "top dogs" of the underworld. Many of them have now come to see things God's way. They have repented, and they have begun to change. It’s a hard truth, but one that must be faced: if you continue down the path of hate, deceit, and destruction, you will suffer the consequences.

No one is exempt from this truth. Not even the billionaires, no matter how powerful they think they are. It’s important to remember: God owns everything. He is the creator, the source of all that exists. Those who have shown no mercy to others, those who have stolen dreams and crushed souls, must face the reality of their actions. And yet, even for them, I ask God for mercy. I pray that they find the strength to get on their knees, ask for forgiveness, and turn from their wicked ways.

A Call to Repent and Heal
Repentance is not just a word; it is an action, a transformation. It means turning away from destructive behaviors and embracing a path of love and healing. It means helping those you’ve hurt and destroyed, regardless of your power or wealth. God’s message is simple: we all have the capacity to change. We all have the ability to choose love over hate, to help rather than harm.

We may have differences of opinion, and that’s okay. But what if, instead of focusing on what divides us, we start a new trend? What if we, as a global community, declare out loud that we want more love in the world? What if we here decide to help those who need it when we can? This shift in mindset could spark a revolution of here love and compassion that could change the world.

Fear and Love: A Divine Relationship
Someone once asked me, “Do you fear God?” My answer was simple: “No.” Why? Because I love God madly, and He loves me madly in return. When you are in a loving relationship with the Divine, there is no room for fear. I don’t like the word "fear." Instead, I use the word "concerned." If I were an enemy of God, I would be very, very concerned. But fear? No. God is fair and loyal. When He says He will do something, He does it. His timing is not our timing, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

When people are rude or unkind to you, God advises: don’t respond or react. Let them face their own karma. Whether it’s bad luck, black magic, or negative energy, their attempts to harm you will only backfire. Their actions will do them no good. I am not responsible for their outcomes. I simply share my wisdom. We all have free will, and with that comes the power of choice.

A Journey Through Darkness: From Despair to Victory
I’ve paid for my own mistakes. There were times I was locked away, isolated, stripped of everything I thought mattered. My bank account was emptied, and I was brought to my knees. But God knew what He was doing. He knew I would try to run from my mission, so He took control. In that moment, I finally surrendered and said, “Lord, please take the wheel.”

And you know what? It was worth it. God is turning back the clock, renewing my strength, and making me younger in spirit and body. I will get my justice. I’ve been through hell and back, both spiritually and physically. I was once a winner of road races, but during my darkest days, spiritual stones were thrown at me. Yet, even then, I didn’t realize that all of it was part of my training.

Embrace Your Mission: The Time is Now
God has a mission for each of us. Whether we know it or not, He will come for us when the time is right. If you’re being tested, if you’re facing challenges, it’s because you are being prepared for something greater. I’ve been through the fire, and I emerged stronger, wiser, and more dedicated to my purpose.

Now, I stand here as a living testament to God’s power and grace. I am here to heal, to guide, and to spread His message of love and transformation. The time for change is now. The time for healing is now. And the time to choose love over hate is now. Repent, seek forgiveness, and embrace the path of light. Only then will you find true peace and fulfillment in this life and beyond.

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